
Journalism Clubs

TEARN provides two (2) lesson plans for teaching journalism. Each provides 10 weeks of materials with hundreds of writing worksheets and online games.

Creating a Newsletter (G4-6)

The goal is to produce sufficient original materials for two newsletters in 10 weeks.
  • Week 1: Roles in Publishing - Children learn the titles and roles of the various creative personnel at a publication.
  • Week 1: Expository Writing - Each child chooses a role for themselves and joins a group to elect an editor, managing editor, assistant editor. A news story is assigned to each and the first draft is due in the coming week.
  • Week 2: The Publishing Cycle - Children learn the pace of producing a printed product on a regular schedule.
  • Week 2: Editing Marks - Each child discusses their work in their group. Assistant editors mark up works for the rewrite and final draft.
  • Week 3: History of Publishing - Brief history of publishing.
  • Week 3: Narrative Writing - The prior week's work is handed to the editor and managing editor for final edit, selection, and layout. Each reporter starts a new assignment for narrative writing.
  • Week 4: Major Publishers in America
  • Week 4: Discussions - Each child discusses their work in their group. Assistant editors mark up works for the rewrite and final draft.
  • Week 5: Headline Selection - Each group presents the best narrative and expository from their group. The class participates to write headlines for each story.
  • Week 5: Publishing - Everyone assists to layout the newsletter and meet publishing deadlines.
  • Week 6 - 10: Repeat pattern for second newsletter, with different news stories and features.

Creating a Newspaper (G7-12)

  • Week 1: Roles in Publishing - This lesson includes the roles of the business-side of publishing.
  • Week 1: Expository Writing -
  • Week 2: Persuasive Writing - Writing ads for the advertisers.

- by Aunt Beev


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